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5:40 p.m. - 2008-07-05
4th of july
Happy 4th of July, It sure is hot here in the South. Had a great day yesterday, cooked out with the family and went swimming and had an all around good day. Tonight we are going to watch fireworks and then I am coming home and going to bed, I am pooped. This morning I got up and me and the husband went junkin, for those that don't know what junkin is, it is going flea marketing, I haven't been in ages and I woke up early and decided to go. I really didn't buy much but it sure was fun walking around and watching people, I am the worlds largest people watcher. Yep I love to watch people. It is so funny to watch couples espesialy, never fails at a flea market one or the other (couples) tries to convince the other what a good deal it is and why they need it so bad! I mean this one lady today told her husband (I heard it with my own two ears) that if he didn't buy her that ring that she would cut him off for 2 weeks, I mean how effin crazy is that? I looked at her and just pretended like I didn't hear her.I bought a watermelon and some plums and I wanted some more fruit but I really didn't feel like carrying anymore around. I got so tickled at the little kids running around, I guess it seems like Christmas to them, I don't remember ever going to a flea market when I was little. They have some neat toys. Brand spankin new too.I told my husband we needed to start Christmas shopping for our nieces and nephews. I think I will go back next weekend. Well thats all for now, hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th of July weekend.......


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