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6:49 a.m. - 2008-07-19
Mr. Richard
I am going to admit something on here today that I hope to God no one that knows me reads. Last night I bought me a vibrator, yep a vibrator, I have never had one before, nor have I ever wanted one until last night. I know that to some of you people out there it is no big deal, but to me it is so embarassing. But after last night, OMG it's a thousand wonders that the neighbours didn't hear me scream and carry on like nobody's business. It was fuctabulous, no wonder women (some men) have sex parties and buy all that stuff. I even named mine, wanna know his name? okay his name is Mr. Richard. He is great, so great in fact that after last night Mr. Richard will probably be staying....forever :)My husband was really liking watching me with it, he even helped. Maybe it will spice up our sex life a little or maybe even a lot. I know it will mine. I didn't know that something like that could be soooo good.Why the hell hasn't someone told me about it before? I did tell one of my bestest friends about it and she couldn't believe that I have never had one. Oh well call me stupid.... If I stop updating this diary at least you will know that I have been busy with Mr. Richard. I am going to have to check out some more stuff............hehehe Gotta go


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