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8:41 a.m. - 2009-02-23
Lucy Loosy
Wow has it really been 18 days since I have posted. Where has the time gone? I have been so busy settling into my new job. I really like it but I miss working in the jail. Yep I have traded my combat boots for high heels only not so high.

I really like all the people that I work with with the exception of one girl, I will call her lucy (loosey) for privacy sake and all that but the truth is I can't stand her and I have good reason. She rolls her eyes at me at every opportunity and she is trying to make my job difficult.

I don't know what I have done to piss her off but I have been told that a friend of hers was supposed to get that job and instead I got it. I can understand her being a little upset but its not my fault and she is totally taking it out on me.

I have tried being nice to her but she doesn't take too kindly to my being nice so I have decided to ignore her and hope that in time she will come around.

The pregnancy is coming along well. I am starting to show and I can wear a few of my maternity clothes now. I think I'm pretty much over the morning sickness shit and for that I am so happy. I just have to pee all the time now. I dont have to go in untill 10:00 this morning because I worked over one hour yesterday to finish up some training and we cannot get any overtime in.

I am throwing around some baby names in my head and I have come up with a few but nothing that really clicks. I will find out next month what I'm having and I hope that makes it easier.

Thanks to everyone that has inquired about me and I promise I will try my best to update more often.


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