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6:36 p.m. - 2008-11-18
73 million
I have done absolutly nothing today except eat, nap and watch movies. I must say I don't feel a bit quilty about it either. I have worked over so much that for the life of me I can't seem to catch up on my sleep. I feel so lethargic and blah.

I called my mother and when she answered the phone I started asking her how she was and she said "who is this?" can you believe that? my own mother didn't know who I was.

I need to do some christmas shopping but I really don't have the money. Of course if I win the lottery tonight then I should be ok. It is up to 73 million. I bought 10 tickets so if I win you probably won't hear from me again.

What can a person do with that much money? I was telling my mil about me buying 10 tickets and you know what she said? "Taxes will get most of it"
hell I don't give a rats ass I would gladly give the government half of it.

I really love my mil but good grief she can be so negative sometimes. Her glass is always half empty.I heard a preacher tell some people that they would go to hell for playing the lottery.

I don't want to go to hell, there are people there that I don't like. I wonder if he really believes that? I am going to get off of here and cook supper and be the good wife tonight.

Oh yeah by the way I'm sober.


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