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7:52 p.m. - 2008-11-19
Back to my old self
I finally feel like my old self, I woke up this morning on my own without that damn alarm clock that goes off at 4:00 am on the days that I have to work.

I have had so much energy today. I cleaned my house like nobody's business. I'm even ready for dear mil to come inspect for me.

We went over to in laws house for supper and I am stuffed. I have probably gained 5 pounds. She is a good cook, but if I ate like that every day I would be as big as a barrel, a big barrel.

I don't know how she does it. She lives on a fixed income, a very very fixed income but man can she stretch a dollar.

The subject about us trying to get pregnant came up at the dinner table and my sister in law told me after dinner she was sorry she brought it up. I told her it didn't bother me.

I mean my God we have only been trying for three or four months.I don't know why shes apoligizing, heck I'm not worried about it, if it happens it happens and if not I'm ok with that too.

When I told her that, she looked at me so strange. She has three kids and evidently she didn't have any trouble getting pregnant. She asked me if I was checking my temp. in the mornings to see when I ovulate.

I really don't see any need in doing that at this point. If I don't become pregnant in one year then I might do something but not until then.

I guess I better quit rambling on and get my ass off of here and go do something constuctive with my husband. He's sitting in his recliner giving me some funny looks, I don't know if there come hither looks or get the fuck off of the computer looks but either way I have rambled on enough.


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