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2:30 p.m. - 2008-12-01
Big News

I can't quit grinning. I found out that I'm prego!!!!!! I know that I have been trying since August but for some reason I guess I just thought that it would take longer....I'm dumb like that. I realized that I hadn't started my period and off to walgreens I go. I came home and took the test and there it was. The pregnancy test was a lot easier than I thought that it would be. I don't know I guess I thought it would take a little more than just peeing on a stick....

I can't wipe the silly grin that is on my husbands face off for nothing. We told the family on Thanksgiving and I'm sure all you guys heard the whooping and hollering.

My husband and I have talked a lot in the last few days and we have come to the conclusion that I need to put my career on hold. Yup I am quitting my job. We really can't afford for me to quit but I really can't afford to not quit. My job is too dangerous for a pregnant woman.

I am still in shock but its a happy shock. I have a Drs appointment in two weeks and I am nervous. I'm afraid they will tell me I'm not pregnant. I've took three tests and they each say "pregnant"..........Oh my mother in law is so happy. She started crying......... My mom is happy but worried at the same time.

I have told everyon, even the lady that works at the convenient store and hell I don't even know her. She looked at me like I had a screw loose or something. I am making myself NOT go to walmart to start shopping for baby clothes and baby things.

Happy Happy me


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