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7:52 a.m. - 2009-01-07
I had my ultrasound and my due date is August 8 the original due date. I got to see the baby's heartbeat and that was the coolest thing I have ever seen. I was in awe of the whole thing. I didn't get to see my doctor and that kinda bummed me out a little. This morning sickness is really kicking my ass. I read that morning sickness is a sign of a healthy pregnancy. I just dont know if that is the truth or not but I do know that I dont feel so healthy when I'm laying on the bathroom floor in a catatonic state.

In other news I'm starting to get excited about my new job. I dont start till the end of the month. I was finger printing a guy at work yesterday and I got so dizzy I had to stop and get someone else to finish for me.I'm sure I was all shades of green. I didn't puke though and for that I am grateful. I cant imagine myself laying on the bathroom floor at work. Ugh

Word seems to have gotten around in the neighborhood about my pregnancy. I was walking around the block the other day and several of my neighbors stopped me and congratulated me. J is a little upset with me because I have banned ground beef from the house. If he wants a hamburger he can go to the local burger joint and get one already cooked.

I better get off of this computer and try to get some breakfast down. try to anyway.


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