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5:23 p.m. - 2009-01-08
Just rambling
I really haven't gotten a lot accomplished today but that doesn't surprise me due to the fact that I can't seem to stay off of my bathroom floor. I have been so sick. Everyone I have talked to has assured me that this morning sickness shit will pass. I certanly hope so.

I watched President elect Obama give his speech today and I must say I was quite impressed. I hope he can pull us out of this economic funk that we are in. My husbands work has slowed down and they are talking about cutting his hours. The company is laying off several of their employees and my husband is worried he may be next.

I'm really not too worried even tho we have a huge mortgage payment and all. If we lose everything we will just start over. I would hate to lose my house after paying on it for so long. We have enough in savings to get us through for about six months so hopefully we will be okay.

I know that we have it better than a lot of other people so I cant complain. I do worry about insurance because that is something that we have to have. My mother in law is driving me crazy. Lord I love that woman with all that is in me but she is already making plans for the Bean(baby's nickname)

Of course she means well but good grief. She did buy a pair of yellow booties and they are so cute. She is already talking about keeping the baby when I go back to work. I haven't decided on whether I am going to let her or not. It's not that I dont trust her because I do its just that she keeps my sil three kids and by the end of the day she is so haggard looking.

I did manage to do the laundry today so at least I accomplished something.Time for me to get off of here and try to cook some dinner. Ugh

I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there. I'm just trying to get over this puking all the time thing that is going on.


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