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11:33 a.m. - 2009-01-17
Third Grade Jealousy
I am so pissed at one of my "friends" right now and I really dont know what to do about it. She is one of my bestest friends and one of my oldest anyway to get to what happened yesterday two of our mutual friends stopped by to check on me because I have been sick and they stayed for lunch, well "she" happened to come by as we were finishing up and she got mad because we didn't invite her to lunch. WTF?

I tried to call her last night to explain that it really wasn't a planned lunch and she is so pissed at me she ended up hanging up on me. She is so third grade jealous that I am about to tell her to fuck off but I really do love her and dont want to do that.

She is so jealous it really pisses me off at times. I mean how third grade is that? I guess I should just give her time to cool off. This isn't the first time she has done this so it really shouldn't surprise me. Ugh just wanted to vent a little, sorry.......


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