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6:31 p.m. - 2009-01-20
New President
We have a new President and to be honest I am excited. Excited for the first time in a long time about our Country. Yep the good ole Us of A. I know that it is not going to get better overnight but at least it is going to get better. It has too or I will never hear the end of it from my mil.

I have heard all of the inniggeration jokes that I care to hear. Most of the people that I work with are slinging racial slurs left and right and frankly I am getting sick of it. I am so pissed off at one guy that I work with, he told me that he hopes Obama fails so that he can laugh at all the people that voted for him.

Now is that not crazy? I told him what I thought about it and let me tell you it was not pleasant not even a little. I guess he is mad at me too but at this point I really dont give a damn. I cannot wait to get outa that place. I only have 2 more weeks and then I'm outa there.

I went to the Dr. the other day and everything is good so far. I don't know what I'm going to wear to work when I start the tag office because my pants are getting tight and my maternaty clothes are still too big. I am excited about starting the new job.

I must get off of here and start some dinner............ Yay History was made today


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