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5:55 p.m. - 2009-02-04
No more combat boots
I have traded my combat boots for high heels. Okay maybe not high high heels but heels nontheless and it feels great. It has been so long since I have dressed up to go to work. For those of you that dont know I have changed jobs. I now have a 9 to 5 job and I couldn't be happier.I am no longer a correction officer. Yay!!! I love dressing up to go to work.

The pregnancy is coming along great I am pretty much over my morning sickness shit and boy am I glad. That is some bad stuff. Now I just have to pee all the time and I mean ALL of the time. I guess that is because I drink water pretty much all day.

I like everyone I work with except for this one lady and its not that I dont like her she just doesnt like me and I know that for a fact because she rolled her eyes at me the first morning I went in. I dont know for sure but I heard it through the grapevine ( yeah we have a grapevine at work) that her friend had applied for that job and didn't get it. I guess thats all my fault so WHATEVER.

I go to the Dr. Friday and then next month we will be finding out what sex the baby is.(hopefully). Well I guess I better get off of here and start cooking dinner before I get too tired and lazy and decide to just go to bed instead so adios amigoes.....


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