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12:12 p.m. - 2009-04-21
Not much to update on everything is pretty much on target with the pregnancy. I am getting a belly like you wouldn't believe. I think tinkerbell is going to be a big baby. The Dr. says everything is measuring right on. I get to take a two hour lunch today so I decided to come home and eat. Work is going okay, eye roller lady has good days and bad days. Seems like just when I think we can be friends she starts her eye rolling shit and snide remarks. I guess I would be better off to stay away from her. My husband and I went out to dinner with some people he works with last night and this lady asked us how long it took for me to get pregnant, wanna know what my husband said? 15 or 20 minutes. Yeah he was serious. He is such a dumbass sometimes, but I love him. I guess I better get off of here and eat and get my ass back to work.


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